Simplify the delivery of your security infrastructure by optimizing and automating the deployment of Layer 2 and Layer 3 high availability network infrastructures.
One of the biggest obstacles security integrators face when deploying Layer 2 and Layer 3 high availability network infrastructures are restricted resources, whether it’s because they don’t have a large volume of network infrastructure or lack the network engineers needed to deploy these types of environments. As a result, security integrators can only take on a limited number of projects, in turn affecting their bottom line.
With the BCDVideo Provisioning App, you can simplify the delivery of your security infrastructure by optimizing and automating the deployment of Layer 2 and Layer 3 high availability network infrastructures—all from a smartphone or tablet. This easy-to-use app not only simplifies this process but also makes deploying these infrastructures attainable by technicians with limited networking experience as DHCP is built into the actual switch core.
For the Layer 2 solution, up to 200 cameras can be dynamically host configured, or have the IP address pushed out to them automatically, which eliminates the need for a technician to manually complete this process. In addition, this solution features LPS, or port security, ensuring that once the IP cameras, workstations and servers are put into place, no other devices can connect to the network switch.
By automating the deployment of these environments, security integrators can free up and scale their resources, and deploy network infrastructures both efficiently and correctly. When you deploy a network right the first time, you ensure that you’re not repeatedly rolling trucks to project sites to fix infrastructure-related issues, which lowers margins and profitability.
Using the BCDVideo Provisioning App, you can get a project site back up and running within a matter of minutes if a switch were to go offline, and without having to call someone from IT or the security integrator to address the issue. Just replace the switch then push out the configuration template and move the cameras through the app.
The BCDVideo Provisioning App makes otherwise complicated Layer 2 and Layer 3 high availability network deployments simple and achievable by even novice technicians. Any integrator can train their team to successfully deploy networks within an hour.
To learn more about this solution and how it works, you can watch a product demonstration here or contact [email protected].