FAQ – Technical Support
Where can I find information on my warranty?
To learn more about details on your warranty, including expiration dates, please contact our support team at [email protected] or submit a ticket on our support page.
Can I extend my warranty?
Yes, BCD offers warranty extensions. Please submit the form at the bottom of this page to get in touch about an extension – you will need your PO number and serial number/service tag of the appliance needing a warranty extension.
Who can I reach out to if I need new Windows licensing for my appliances?
Contact your sales representative directly or [email protected] for Windows licensing.
How do I activate my Windows license(s)?
When powering your system on: Select Start > Settings > System > Activation & type in product key
I don't currently have Harmonize iDRAC for remote server health monitoring or Harmonize Bridge for cloud connectivity activated on my systems. How can I get licensing?
To request licensing for Harmonize iDRAC, please submit this form and a member of our development team will reach out regarding licensing and installation.
For assistance with setting up and managing iDRAC, please check out this guide.
To connect to the cloud with Harmonize Bridge, reach out to our professional services team at [email protected]
Can my BCD appliances be mounted? If so, are there any limitations?
BCD servers come with a rail-ready-kit so they can be installed into your desired rackmount. For further details on what is included in each rackmount kit, please contact your sales representative.
My appliance needs a driver or patch update, who can assist me with those updates?
Email request to [email protected] or create a ticket on our support page so the appropriate driver/firmware is provided.
I have a legacy HP system, where can I find technical support?
Visit our YouTube channel for basic troubleshooting on legacy HP-based units, or contact our support team.