This series consists of four standalone analytics servers that have been designed, tested, and validated in BCD’s testing centers to withstand some of the most demanding video surveillance applications. Within the META region, this product portfolio will be made available exclusively through NIT, an Ingram Micro company (NIT), and a leading distributor of complete IP surveillance and security solutions across the region.
Impact of Downtime: Your Brand and Your Bottom Line
Given the 24x7x365 nature of business today, uptime and availability of video surveillance systems play an important role in determining the success of many organizations. Yet downtime happens, its reasons vary from sudden hardware failure to human error. When a system goes down, it can deny access to mission-critical video, leading to loss of safety, productivity, and efficiency.
IT and Server Hardware Failure: Costly and Common
While not every hardware failure is as dramatic as that one, consequences of IT hardware failure here on earth can be “astronomical” as well — lost productivity and revenue, expensive repairs and even legal or contractual liabilities being among them. Not only are video hardware failures costly, but they are also common when the hardware is not purpose-built.
BCD Develops New iDRAC Software Integration for Windows 10 & 11
BUFFALO GROVE, Ill., Jan. 11, 2022 — BCD, the leading global video data infrastructure provider, has developed a new version of its custom Harmonize iDRAC software integration that now enables the health monitoring with similar functionality of Dell’s iDRAC through...
BCD Releases New Version of Harmonize iDRAC for Milestone XProtect®
Harmonize iDRAC for Milestone was developed by BCD to integrate specifically with XProtect and allow for hardware events, notifications and alarms to be presented within the VMS, giving system integrators and end-users the ability to monitor iDRAC features through XProtect.
BCD Releases Harmonize iDRAC Plug-in for Milestone Systems XProtect® VMS
Integration enables users to proactively monitor servers and predict hardware failures through VMSToday, BCD International, the global video data infrastructure manufacturer comprised of BCDVideo, Video Storage Solutions (VSS), and BCDOEM, announced its Harmonize...