Wael Noureddine, BCD’s Regional Sales Director for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, East Africa & Levant, discusses industry trends.
State of the Market: Insights from Wael Noureddine
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Wael Noureddine, BCD’s Regional Sales Director for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, East Africa & Levant, discusses industry trends.
In today’s information age, efficiency is driven by data. We see this with the rise of Smart Cities leveraging video security cameras and other sensors to improve sectors like public safety.
Video surveillance cameras are among the primary devices aggregating data and delivering key insights for Smart City functions, such as detecting car accidents at major intersections, hazards on the road, and suspicious packages on campus.
Over the past 20 years, we’ve watched cities transform from disparate, analog microsystems to globalized networks of sensors, or Internets of Things (IoT), wherein information is generated and integrated to improve infrastructure, efficiency, convenience, and quality...