When it comes down to it, every business needs reliable physical security measures in place. Whether your facility requires four or 4,000 cameras, the myriad threats to employees, customers, and assets alike create an unignorable need for video surveillance infrastructure.
3 Verticals That Benefit from BCD’s Storage Solutions
For the past ten years (or so), we’ve watched the slow and steady transition away from analog and toward digital technologies in the video surveillance sphere and throughout the Technosphere at large. For us in the business of storage, this has meant finding efficient...
3 Storage Problems That BCD Solves for Integrators
In the ever-evolving world of security technology, it might be easy to assume the “high-performing” security system caters to the hottest tech in the market—artificial intelligence, machine learning, ultra-high-definition surveillance cameras, so on. The reality is...
What Does Purpose-Built for Video Mean?
To do something with purpose is to do something with a goal in mind. In this vein, BCD International designs, validates, and builds hardware with a purpose: to have every project run 24/7 without interruption or downtime. Purpose-built for video means that every...
Strategic Management of Video Storage Costs
Video Storage System Cost Considerations Costs are at issue when considering any component of a video system. Strategic management of costs is especially important when considering video storage systems because storage accounts for such a large cost component of...
Misconceptions About Video Storage Solutions
Like many areas of the security market, the field of digital video storage systems has its share of misconceptions and missed opportunities. We called on manufacturers of these systems to set the record straight. Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) Will Continue To Rule One key...
Video Surveillance Trends
Trends Driving Increasing Storage Needs in Video Surveillance End users in the video surveillance market are looking for higher quality images and to retain those images for longer periods. Also, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are turning to networked...