video analytics

The State of Biometrics and Analytics

The State of Biometrics and Analytics

New technologies have given integrators more options than ever before. Access control featuring biometrics and analytics are creating smarter cities. BCDVideo Vice President Tom Larson discusses the role biometrics and analytics play in video surveillance. Biometrics...

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Video Trends & Technology 2016: Vendor Roundtable

Video Trends & Technology 2016: Vendor Roundtable

Vendor Roundtable Video surveillance has long been one of the most rapidly changing technologies on the security landscape; and as security dealers and integrators search the ISC West show floor for the latest products and technologies, it can be a bit overwhelming....

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BCD’s CEO Dishes on Evolving Marketplace

BCD’s CEO Dishes on Evolving Marketplace

Find out whyJeff Burgess, the founder & CEO of BCD experienced “culture shock” after joining the security industry. In 2009, BCD introduced its “purpose-built” video surveillance storage systems to the security space. The company marked a special milestone in...

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