video storage

Why and How Should Casinos Store Surveillance Footage?

Why and How Should Casinos Store Surveillance Footage?

Casinos are arguably the most surveilled facilities in the world, next to retail banks. But unlike banks, casinos are not FDIC insured, and their camera technology and layouts change more rapidly. Here are three BCD solutions (always with our 5-year guarantee) that can help casino security managers and integrators avoid costly surprises as their operation grows.

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How High-Megapixel Cameras Impact Video Storage

How High-Megapixel Cameras Impact Video Storage

High-megapixel cameras can have a profound impact on the storage capacity of a network video system. As a security professional, one of the trickiest areas to address is how much storage will a particular customer site require? Calculating video storage can be a...

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Texas School District Video Surveillance Case Study

Texas School District Video Surveillance Case Study

Case Study: BCDVideo Executes Best-Practices Solution at Major Texas School District Customer Challenge A Texas school district encompassing about 100 square miles with 45 buildings and 35,000 students needed to update its video storage capabilities. They received a...

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Effective Video Surveillance Data Infrastructure

Effective Video Surveillance Data Infrastructure

Building An Effective Video Surveillance Data Infrastructure For Enhanced Storage And Performance The video storage boom shows no signs of slowing down. The talk is not typically how much storage; but where and how to store. Locally-housed (on-premises) storage...

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