video surveillance

BCD Adds Hassan Makki and Wael Noureddine to MERAT Team

BCD Adds Hassan Makki and Wael Noureddine to MERAT Team

BUFFALO GROVE, Ill., Aug. 31, 2021 – BCD, the global leader in purpose-built video data infrastructure solutions, announced today the hiring of Hassan Makki and Wael Noureddine, both of whom will join the company’s rapidly growing Middle East, Russia, Africa, and...

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What Does Purpose-Built for Video Mean?

What Does Purpose-Built for Video Mean?

To do something with purpose is to do something with a goal in mind. In this vein, BCD International designs, validates, and builds hardware with a purpose: to have every project run 24/7 without interruption or downtime. Purpose-built for video means that every...

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BCD Ranks No. 64 on the 2020 CRN Fast Growth 150 List

BCD Ranks No. 64 on the 2020 CRN Fast Growth 150 List

Buffalo Grove, Ill., Aug. 3, 2020 – BCD is proud to announce that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company®, has named BCDVideo to its 2020 Fast Growth 150 list. Each year, CRN® recognizes the fastest-growing technology integrators, solution providers, and IT consultants...

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